Boost your brand with influencers, without breaking the bank:

With Influur Collabs, you can turn your products or services into powerful, influencer-driven content that captures attention and drives results

All without a financial investment

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Influur Collabs?

It’s a hassle-free way for brands to collaborate with influencers by gifting products or services, and influencers create content in return.

How do I start a collaboration?

Sign up in the app as a brand, create a Gifted Collab, and specify the gift and influencer requirements like location or follower count.

Is there a cost to join Collabs?

Nope, no fees! Just send your gift to the selected influencers.

Who can join Influur Collabs?

Any brand that wants to connect with influencers through gifting.

How do brands and influencers connect?

After setting your collab preferences, influencers who match will apply. You can accept them, chat, and send the gift directly through the app.

Can I specify the type of content I want from influencers?

For collabs, influencers decide what content to create. If you want to define exactly what content should be created or require certain deliverables (like a reel, stories, or multiple platforms) or a certain number of stories or posts, you’ll need to create a paid job through Influur’s app.

Can I approve influencers and content before it’s posted?

Yes, you can accept or reject influencer applications, chat with them in-app, and send the gift. However, the content they create is up to them in collabs.

What kind of results can I expect?

Influencers will share authentic content with their audience about your brand, boosting engagement!

How long does it take to launch a collab?

You can create a collab in minutes. Once influencers apply, it’s just a matter of selecting the right fit.

What kind of influencers can I work with?

You can set your preferences based on location, follower count, and other criteria, and influencers who match will apply.

Ready to dive into the influencer marketing world?